Flashback (2020)
I guess the message of this movie is don’t do drugs. Or possibly do not have done drugs in the future. Or do do not do drugs. And the meaning of me watching this movie is… don’t watch head-scratching movies … Continue reading
I guess the message of this movie is don’t do drugs. Or possibly do not have done drugs in the future. Or do do not do drugs. And the meaning of me watching this movie is… don’t watch head-scratching movies … Continue reading
What an incredibly special movie. A drama about learning to not hate yourself, to understand others, to become a better person, to change, and to grow. All done with drama – and melodrama – but not in the usual, expected … Continue reading
I suspect I’m an outlier in only finding this movie ok. I wanted to like it more based on the good word-of-mouth but only found it mildly entertaining and occasionally funny. I respect what it’s doing, at least. It’s fairly … Continue reading
Wish I could give this a slightly better score, bump it up to at least a three, but I just… I just got bored. Distracted and bored. The movie just couldn’t keep my attention. Which is unfortunate since the previous … Continue reading
An interesting documentary about the scientific team that recently used an array of telescopes across the planet to piece together a picture of a massive black hole. It’s a slightly less complete documentary abut black holes in general, as suggested … Continue reading
Re-contextualizing an evil fairy queen so that we can sympathize with her even as she puts a life-long hex on a little girl is certainly a choice I can see Disney making. Trying the same with a character who’s main … Continue reading
When I saw Clue in theaters way back in the Jurassic, it was fine. The critical reviews were mixed and I thought it was maybe a little bit better than the consensus. And that was it… a board game movie … Continue reading
Have been racking my brain and I just don’t have a lot to say about this movie. It’s kind of drab, kind of dull… and that’s largely it. Set during the Depression, it’s about a poor family whose son encounters … Continue reading
A Quiet Place Part II is almost as effective a suspense/horror flick as the first. It has a couple of problems here and there but they are pretty minor for what is a genuinely creepy continuation of the first film. … Continue reading
I really was rooting for this movie. It’s such a well-meaning, good-natured adventure movie featuring children (that adults will like too). But it sadly has pacing issues that make it’s middle act lag to the point of distraction. But, I … Continue reading