Watchers, The (2024)
The Watchers is what happens when a deeply stupid script full of people who barely act like people meet a pretty good eye for visuals. This movie is capital D dumb… poorly written and full of ADR to, I guess, … Continue reading
The Watchers is what happens when a deeply stupid script full of people who barely act like people meet a pretty good eye for visuals. This movie is capital D dumb… poorly written and full of ADR to, I guess, … Continue reading
Hell is other people… and also your own bad decisions. This Spanish horror flick is… disturbing. And disturbed. And not a fun time in front of a screen. It’s cruel and unpleasant and if you want to see how to … Continue reading
Pretty telling about the quality of shark movies as a whole when this pretty good Netflix one hits my top 5. It’s not that great a film so much as the flotsam and jetsam of this terrible sub-genre is populated … Continue reading
Sometimes you just gotta watch Cinderella take her revenge in a low budget borderline slasher film that throws in a gratuitous sex scene at the very end… and an explosion. Because sometimes… somtimes a little cinder girl needs to get … Continue reading
Art House Friday the 13th probably deserves extra credit just for the vision and audacity. And here I am having just rewatched all the Friday the 13ths without realizing how much it would speak to this Jason-like slasher’s murder spree. … Continue reading
Sting is a fairly generic pulp creature feature about a giant not-spider alien spider which, ahem, infests an apartment building. It lacks a certain actual scare factor, instead leaning more on pulpy horror with occasional comedy mixed in. I enjoyed … Continue reading
The Strangers: Chapter 1 has some decent sized flaws that can’t overwhelm a solid creepy tone and some cool, creepy moments. It’s hardly perfect and sometimes antagonized me (personally) but it shows clear signs of having been filmed well, despite … Continue reading
When I heard this film was directed by Jane Schoenbrun, the woman who did We’re All Going to the World’s Fair, I was both intrigued and worried. While I liked World’s Fair, its vibe was cryptic and weird enough to … Continue reading
New Life is a stark, barren, cold thriller/horror film about a woman on the run and an agent sent to capture her before its too late. It hides what’s “really going on” so I’ll be vague too… though it has … Continue reading
Spoiler alert: the something in the water isn’t really sharks… it’s a bunch of bobbing buffoons trying to figure out how to fill 90 minutes with talk, floating, and sometimes a shark. It’s not good. The flick… destination wedding drama, … Continue reading