I struggle giving this very generic horror film three stars… but it has merit in ways I didn’t expect. Because, yeah, this is just a gimmicky PG13 horror film that everyone will have forgotten in a couple months. The flick … Continue reading
I struggle giving this very generic horror film three stars… but it has merit in ways I didn’t expect. Because, yeah, this is just a gimmicky PG13 horror film that everyone will have forgotten in a couple months. The flick … Continue reading
Call it Arachnophobia II… or Peur des Araignées if you want to get French about it (since this killer spider movie is French). What we have here is a particularly skin-crawling creature feature that works great in its first two … Continue reading
Abigail is exhibit A for not paying attention to trailers. Until a week ago, the only thing I knew about this film is that it was horror (and might have something to do with dance). Then I caught the tail … Continue reading
Arcadian is a movie that wants to be good without putting in the effort. It’s a sci-fi/horror art house wannabe… a scrappy movie put together on a limited budget trying to be a variation on The Quiet Place. A mysterious … Continue reading
You’ll Never Find Me is a Shudder original that had me, then lost me, then found me again, and ultimately lost me. It’s so well-crafted on a visual and audible front that I’m actively annoyed it felt it needed to … Continue reading
H.P. Lovecraft’s The Old Ones is a low (very low) budget film that’s not an adaptation of any one Lovecraft story… despite his name being a writing credit. Instead it’s a goofy amalgamation of a bunch of his ideas and … Continue reading
Based on the average rating, this review will be written by Hot Take McGee… who thinks this was a pretty great horror film. Not sure why the scores are so low. Maybe it doesn’t have enough standard horror bits, gore, … Continue reading
The First Omens wobbles continuously on the balance beam of bad that I feel kind of guilty scoring it higher than Immaculate. Not just because the two films are shockingly similar (and it’s not Omen’s fault it came out a … Continue reading
Loop Track is film about an introverted paranoid New Zealnder with social anxiety problems that make me look like a goddamn social butterfly. All he wants is to go for a long multi-day hike by himself, get away from the … Continue reading
Late Night with the Devil kind of surprised me by doing something a little different with the standard-issue found footage film. For one thing, it’s got more in common with something like Ghostwatch than Paranormal Activity. And it actually dares … Continue reading