Grinch, The
So… The new animated film version of The Grinch is, at least, better than the Jim Carrey version. I mean, on the graduated scale of badness, it’s a few notches in the positive column. You just have to ask if … Continue reading
So… The new animated film version of The Grinch is, at least, better than the Jim Carrey version. I mean, on the graduated scale of badness, it’s a few notches in the positive column. You just have to ask if … Continue reading
Checked out the new twisty crime drama Bad Times at the El Royale. I might be the only person that did based on bad box office this weekend. Apparently Fox continues to half-heartedly market things, what with them being bought … Continue reading
Checked out the new Kevin Hart / Tiffany Haddish comedy Night School. The flick stars Hart as a slick rick who dropped out of high school but fell into a decent career as a grill salesman. He’s in a … Continue reading
Checked out the new horror flick Hell Fest… I’m sure you’ve heard of it! This is an unabashed, unadorned, gimmick-free throwback to 80s and 90s slasher flicks. There’s no particular reason this particular creepy-masked killer is hunting teenagers. There’s no … Continue reading
So I checked out the new teen-violence-or-something film Assassination Nation. This, assuming anyone sees it, will surely be one heck of divisive film. It’s about girls standing up for themselves against slutshaming… by wielding automatic weapons (and katanas). It’s a … Continue reading
So The Predator is either the fourth or the sixth film in the Predator franchise… four if you only count Predator (Arnold), Predator 2 (Danny Glover), and Predators (ermm… Adrian Brody?) or sixth if you count the two Alien vs. … Continue reading
Rented a flick on iTunes called The House of Tomorrow, based on a book I read and reasonably enjoyed. I’m afraid the movie, while perfectly ok, just kind of lays there flat. Not the worst movie by a long shot, … Continue reading
Based on some recommendations I read, I checked out the new Netflix shows To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Lot of buzz about this flick and I can kind of partly sort of see why. It’s cute and sweet … Continue reading
The Meg is a new giant shark movie and one that was mismarketed. The trailers suggested a goofy, self-aware, more SyFy channel-like-but-with-a-big-budget movie… instead its a more serious (to the extent a giant shark movie can be) movie with a … Continue reading
Also caught The Spy Who Dumped Me, a new action comedy starring Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon. Based on the trailers, I went into this expecting little and was mildly surprised… at least for the first hour. The film … Continue reading