Saturday Night
Jason Reitman really, really, REALLY wants to be Aaron Sorkin if the walk ‘n talk and jazzy energy of Saturday Night is any indication. But Reitman is a lot of things, but he’s not quite at Sorkin’s level and this … Continue reading
Jason Reitman really, really, REALLY wants to be Aaron Sorkin if the walk ‘n talk and jazzy energy of Saturday Night is any indication. But Reitman is a lot of things, but he’s not quite at Sorkin’s level and this … Continue reading
For the first half of Platform 2, I was wondering what all the negativity was about. I kind of loved the first film for its simple social metaphor. It was a Twilight Zone / Black Mirror type message film but … Continue reading
I read Salem’s Lot back in the 80s or 90s. It’s very early Stephen King and I guess it wasn’t bad, but it was kind of unmemorable too. In fact, it’s so unmemorable, I totally forgot there was a 3 … Continue reading
His Three Daughters didn’t goose me into watching it after checking out the first fifteen minutes on the day it released on Netflix. And it’s a 2023 movie so figured I could skip it. And then everyone and his brother’s … Continue reading
Will & Harper is a personal Netflix documentary that follows professional funny actor Will Ferrell and professional funny writer Harper Steele as they drive cross country. Harper recently transitioned to a woman so we watch two old friends meet again … Continue reading
Omni Loop starts with a wacky idea about why a time loop is happening and then proceeds to be a too somber, mundane take on this genre. I’m not sure why it does a bait and switch, but it’s a … Continue reading
To be fair, Never Let Go is probably more a victim of how many times I’ve seen this exact premise over the past few years. But, that said, maybe they don’t have to regurgitate the same gimmick over and over … Continue reading
Speak No Evil is such a generic title, I didn’t realize it was an American remake of the Danish film of the same name. It took me twenty minutes to realize it was actively similar in theme but it was … Continue reading
1992 is two, two, two movies in one… and they don’t play well together. It wants to be a serious film about surviving the Rodney King riots in LA 1992… while also being a heist film. Too bad it’s more … Continue reading
On the one hand, Afraid is just another smart home automation AI paranoia film that borrows a little too much from Her and Megan. On the other hand, I kind of liked how it ended even if getting there was … Continue reading