Hard Home
Hard Home is, in a way, a bit of a reverse Saw… the mother of a victim of a serial killer sets up an elaborate trap in her Smart Home to trap and torment the killer. On the other hand, … Continue reading
Hard Home is, in a way, a bit of a reverse Saw… the mother of a victim of a serial killer sets up an elaborate trap in her Smart Home to trap and torment the killer. On the other hand, … Continue reading
Vanished into the Night is an Italian paranoia thriller that’s available on Netflix in the US. It’s fine. It doesn’t move the needle for any kind of genre it’s in, it won’t overly impress, but it’s good enough to watch … Continue reading
How to Rob a Bank is basically just another Netflix true crime documentary. Nothing special in its production. It’s a little interesting in terms of its subject matter… a crafty man and his accomplices take to robbing banks in the … Continue reading
Well, apparently I’m a chump. Finally decided to check out Horizon Chapter 1 in theaters since it might be hitting streaming soon and I bet it’ll be a $20 rental. So I used my AMC Premier thingy to plant myself … Continue reading
Lowlifes is one you’ve seen before… at least to begin with. City folk on vacation take a wrong turn and encounter some backwoods lowlifes. Soon games are being played and the blood flows. Only this one has a surprise that … Continue reading
With multiple seasons of Sons of Anarchy out there that I have no interest in, perhaps The Bikeriders wasn’t a movie exactly for me. And it wasn’t. Whoever made this drastically over-estimated my interest in a shaggy, plotless biker gang … Continue reading
Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors is a Netflix documentary about the archeological excavation of the tomb of the first emperor of China… and his army of terracotta warriors. It’s a third of the backstory of finding the massive grave site, … Continue reading
This one’s a toughie. It’s undeniably a well made film with very good performances… and it connects with me because at some times and at some walks in my life, I’ve been Daisy Ridley, floating just above or below the … Continue reading
Sting is a fairly generic pulp creature feature about a giant not-spider alien spider which, ahem, infests an apartment building. It lacks a certain actual scare factor, instead leaning more on pulpy horror with occasional comedy mixed in. I enjoyed … Continue reading
The Strangers: Chapter 1 has some decent sized flaws that can’t overwhelm a solid creepy tone and some cool, creepy moments. It’s hardly perfect and sometimes antagonized me (personally) but it shows clear signs of having been filmed well, despite … Continue reading