I feel like disliking If is like punching a Winnie the Pooh plushy… did the toy really deserve it or was I just having a bad day? I’m not sure… but this earnest and good-willed movie isn’t something I want … Continue reading
I feel like disliking If is like punching a Winnie the Pooh plushy… did the toy really deserve it or was I just having a bad day? I’m not sure… but this earnest and good-willed movie isn’t something I want … Continue reading
I feel like a real bully for giving this imaginative and clever film a relatively low score. But I can’t help it when so much of its right but way more of its wrong. So call me Scut Farkus because … Continue reading
Lazareth is a viral outbreak thriller that tries very hard but has internal logical consistency issues that are hard to ignore. Your reaction to such a thing will depend on how much patience you have for this somber, internally focused … Continue reading
I struggle giving this very generic horror film three stars… but it has merit in ways I didn’t expect. Because, yeah, this is just a gimmicky PG13 horror film that everyone will have forgotten in a couple months. The flick … Continue reading
I don’t know what to make of this film which is why it rose dramatically in my ratings the longer I watched it. If I’d walked out after the first thirty unbearable minutes, it’s be lucky to earn one star. … Continue reading
Crew is a high-energy, stylish Indian heist film about a trio of flight attendants working for a bankrupt airline. Having not been paid in some time, they look to more criminal, you might even sage smuggly, opportunities to get what’s … Continue reading
The First Omens wobbles continuously on the balance beam of bad that I feel kind of guilty scoring it higher than Immaculate. Not just because the two films are shockingly similar (and it’s not Omen’s fault it came out a … Continue reading
Immediately I was taken out of this movie by my pedantic annoyance at the title. It should be French-Canadian Girl. <shakes tiny fist in impotent, irrelevant rage>. But one could equally argue it should be called Meet The Canadian Parents. … Continue reading
Journey to Bethlehem opens with a title card saying it’s based on a true story… the greatest story ever told, as it turns out. This comforts me because it suggests the movie I’m watching is just a tribute (you gotta … Continue reading
Immaculate had the bones to be a great freak-out / campy horror film but it turned out full of generic scares to pad the already short 90 minute runtime. The film stars Sydney Sweeny as a young American sister who … Continue reading