Gorge, The
The Gorge on Apple TV+ is a film of two distinct halves that will appeal to different camps. Me? I liked the unique first half a lot more than the second, more derivative half. The movie’s good though and perhaps … Continue reading
The Gorge on Apple TV+ is a film of two distinct halves that will appeal to different camps. Me? I liked the unique first half a lot more than the second, more derivative half. The movie’s good though and perhaps … Continue reading
The Monkey is an adaptation of an early Stephen King short story that, perhaps, would be a little silly to produce today. So they didn’t take it seriously… and I’m not sure how obvious that is from the trailer. But … Continue reading
This Netflix animated feature length Witcher film is so much better than their lazy, boring first effort in 2021 (Nightmare of the Wolf). It’s better animated, has a better, more complex story, and some pretty terrific action scenes to boot. … Continue reading
Powerful, concerning, long, and justified in its length. I’m Still Here worked on waves of tension and sedation… especially when we get to the powerful ending that reminds us of the impermanence of memory and life. It’s set in 1970 … Continue reading
Heart Eyes rather surprised me. For a movie that sounded like the grimdark sequel to the Emoji Movie, I wound up really enjoying it. Partly because it’s a rom-com slasher that takes its romantic comedy angle just as seriously as … Continue reading
September 5 has a strong idea that doesn’t work as well I’d have hoped in actual implementation. It’s about the terrorist attack on the Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany. More specifically, it’s about how ABC Sports … Continue reading
Well… how to talk about a movie that most people probably already know the surprise to due to the trailer? Especially when I didn’t see those trailers and was surprised myself. Hmm…. I guess as vaugelly as possible? Companion stars … Continue reading
Wait a second. A wedding comedy starring Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell? When I think of these two comedians in comedies, two very different things show up in my head. A Will Ferrell rom-com and a Reese Witherspoon rom-com are … Continue reading
Babygirl is like 50 Shades of Grey and all those toxic Netflix knock-offs… only its complicated, mature, and adult in ways those lesser films are not. It feels like it was written by someone who understands adults and adult desires… … Continue reading
I’m not a huge fan of the Sonic franchise… I played the first game in the 90s and a little of its sequel but dropped off after that. But I liked the first live action Sonic movie and really liked … Continue reading