78/52: Hitchcocks Shower Scene

Checked out a documentary on iTunes/Apple TV called 78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene which is about the shower scene in Psycho. 90 minutes worth. You know if you are interested in behind-the-scenes and making-ofs if you can sit through this!
Not that it’s a slog, not to me at least. It’s 45 minutes of an overview of how important Psycho was to cinema at the time, Hitchcock’s reputation, the impact the movie had on cinema, and just a general overview of themes and ideas. Then it’s 45 minutes of shot-for-shot analysis, description, inspiration of individual shots, and how these shots inspired future movies. It’s a lot more interesting than it sounds. It even takes seriously the late 90s color remake of the movie and that takes some kind of respect.
There’s a lot of good interviews with people. Janet Leigh’s body double is interviewed. Jamie Lee Curtis answers some questions. Other directors of the time, modern horror film makers and fans, and others give a few minutes to interviews.
You know if this movie sounds interesting to you and, if it does, watch it. It’s certainly a lot better than it could have been and even if you know a lot about the scene, it still has some interesting information.
And, hey, they never once play the whole scene which is some kind of trolling right there!
Score: 85