50 Shades of Black

So, news alert time – I went to see the 50 Shades of Grey satire 50 Shades of Black (written and starring a Wayans) and it was terrible. Just terrible. I know, surprising right? Next thing you know, I’ll be telling you water makes you wet!!!
But seriously, I did have a few minutes of hope early on in the movie – maybe I laughed three or four times in the first twenty minutes. That might be a record for these types of movies post-Airplane (and, charitably, Naked Gun).
I do give the set decorators and costume people some credit – they did a really good job of making the movie look like 50 Shades of Grey. Excellent mimicry.
But otherwise, yeah, just a lot of low brow, easy, and convenient jokes that rarely say anything meaningful or pointed about the original subject though maybe it sets African American men and women back a few decades with jokes not too far away from eating watermelons and fried chicken (check that: the fried chicken joke was in the movie).
Score: 58