57 Seconds

57 Seconds is a wholly unremarkable but fairly watchable sci-fi time loop thriller. It stars Josh Hutcherson (with an assist from Morgan Freeman who wanders in and out of the movie) as a blogger on the tail of a crooked big pharma exec (played by smarmy Greg Germann). He accidentally stumbles on a device that lets him travel 57 seconds back in time so he uses this power for stupid and for investigative journalism.

As a movie with a timey wimey gimmick, it’s not bad. It’s a little frustrating because our genius hero uses his newfound power in stupid
and blatantly obvious ways… but they also wring some humor out of it too.

The movie is… kinda perfectly fine for what it is… a low budget, high concept sci-fi thriller with some decent, if familiar, ideas. I’ve seen this basic premise before and I bet you have too so it begs the question whether we need another one. And, sure, why not. It’s decent enough.

Score: 75