Along for the Ride

Along for the Ride is a pleasant, reasonably mature and thoughtful teen romance. It’s not an amazing flick but it’s nice that a Netflix original adapted from a YA novel isn’t silly, cringe, or dumb. Or, more to the point, I can exist without Letterboxd mafia piling on a galaxy of 1/2 star reviews.

The flick is about a slightly awkward high school graduate who lives in her own head. In order to find a new version of herself before college, she moves to the beach town her father lives in with his new wife and baby. There she awkwardly tries to make friends and awkwardly meets a cute boy.

Yeah, this isn’t breaking the mold but I did like it’s more thoughtful approach to the teen romance (or rom com or coming-of-age) film. It’s not rocket science, mind you, but it’s got more of a thinking brain than a lot of Netflix teen flicks. I enjoyed the characters and wanted them to like each other and find their tribe and/or significant other.

Also, no Great Big Idea or Wacky Twist or Misunderstanding in sight. Just a bunch of kids hanging out and living their lives. No screenwriter had to do acrobatics to put the plot together (which also means no awkward misunderstanding leading to will-they-make-up-or-not contrivances).

The lead actress – relative newcomer Emma Pasarow – is quite appealing. She has a distinct Anna Kendrick vibe, what with her shy awkward good natured appeal. Also helps she could be her younger sister.

I’m not over the moon about the film but I found it warm and endearing. Better than I expected it to be, even as it shaggily goes along for a whole summer of fun, romance, and drama. Good natured good flick.

Score: 82