Cocaine Bear

I’m being a little charitable giving Cocaine Bear a decent review. It starts very wobbly with an over-abundance of wacky characters and pretty mediocre jokes… but by the end, the fun and crazy moments ramped up just enough for me to stop worrying and admit I kind of liked the coked-up bear attack movie.

The flick is about a whole load of cocaine tossed out of a plane… only to have a bear find (and eat) the drugs. A host of wacky humans wind up wandering Blood Mountain looking for the drugs or each other… and being found (and mauled) by the bear.

Did I laugh? Unevenly… though I should note my theatrical audience was really into it (though their laughter petered out a little too). Is it anything more than a goofball animal attack comedy about a coked-up bear mauling people in most gratuitous ways? Nope. If you are on the fence about coked-up bear movies, will this one change your mind? Nah… but it’s probably the very best and very worst in the coked-up bear subgenre.

The bear effects are pretty good though you could tell their night filming was probably hiding some wobbly CGI. The gore – of which there is a lot and mostly played for snickers – is also pretty good. You don’t come to the coked-up bear movie for the highest budget production so they did well enough.

If the internet buzz on this piqued your interest (and you aren’t burned from the internet buzz for Snakes on a Plane betraying you when you actually saw the movie), this is a worthwhile watch. You know what you’re in for… and they deliver. Sure, the comedy could have been better… but it’s good enough for funsies.

Score: 75