Enys Men

Here we have another post-logic, cryptic nigh-experimental film. Categorized as horror, I’d maybe put it more into the slot of a movie you watch late at night to help you fall asleep. The film has a definite vibe, a sense of place, a mood. But it ain’t scary, though it can be unsettling.

The flick is about a woman on a desolate island studying the growth of some flowers and, I guess, the depth of a hole in the ground. She goes about her repetitive days doing these repetitive observations. But there’s something haunting the island… or maybe she’s haunting the island?

What exactly is going on in this slow-paced meditative flick is a mystery that you might be able to solve. There’s enough threads and imagery and characters who may or may not be there to start piecing together… something. I had the feeling that if I were to rewatch, I’d be able to better come to grips with its story. As it is, I have a theory, an impression but not everything hangs together.

It’s an interesting, ponderous, surreal film. Something cool about it, but maybe not cool enough for a rewatch. Maybe it’s the 90 minutes of runtime that makes me ask why it needs to be even that long. It’s definitely setting up its surreal space but it kind of nails than in the first twenty minutes. I don’t think it needed to go as long as it did.

Overall, a curious picture about a woman who really should have a hang with the guy in The Lighthouse (they can party obscura together). Definitely not one for the average filmgoer but if you like your movies cryptic and surreal and weird and you want to ponder meaning, it might be worth checking out.

Score: 70