
I watched Firenado only because it’s the first 2023 film to appear on my radar… and what a disaster movie it is. A disaster movie and a disaster of a movie. It’s currently the best and worst movie of 2023… one of these two achievements will likely stand.

The flick is about a bunch of stormchasers chasing a rogue tornado that quickly eats a gas station and becomes a FIRENADO! Meanwhile, crooks are busy home invading a rich guy’s house that’s in direct line of sight of this vengeful weather pattern.

This is a no budget cheap Twister knockoff the likes of which SyFy Channel or The Asylum would make. It’s practically a study in how to break scene continuity from one edit to another. The expected level of shitty special effects and bad acting go along with it.

And I think the movie takes place in Scotland but it’s hard to be sure. You know, tornado alley of Great Britain <eyes roll out of head>. So many shots of a the tornado looming behind mountains in ways tornados don’t. But, hell, what do I look like? Some kind of tornado-ologist?

Did I at least laugh hysterically at the ineptitude or did I drool with boredom at the monotony? More the later… though there were occasionally so-bad-its-hilarious moments. But not nearly enough. This is just a hideously bad movie that makes me respect the artistry of Moonfall and The Day After Tomorrow (and Into the Storm… and Geostorm!).

Score: 48