Green Book

Checked out the movie with the curious name Green Book at the theater last night. Trailer didn’t explain what a Green Book is or why the movie was called that so was genuinely curious. Not the reason I saw the flick… but it was on my mind.

The movie is about Doctor Shirley, a popular black pianist in 1962 who decides to tour the midwest and the south (the deep south). He hires an Italian American “public relations” man as his driver… and by public relations, I mean muscle. A bouncer. The two have little in common – Doctor Shirley (Mahershala Ali) is educated, erudite, and a bit of a buzz-kill. The Italian (Vigo Mortensen with full New York accent) is a bit of a stereotype… loud, brash, under-educated, and a bit of a racist (but also practical… he takes the job and is later genuinely shocked by how poorly Doctor Shirley is treated in the South).

The film is about friendship as the two men grow to understand and appreciate each other. They help each in their own ways and they learn to respect each other’s point of view and upbringing. The film is about racism but it’s not only about racism and I appreciate that. This is based on a true story so I assume at least some of the incidents occurred, though not sure how much has been made up for Hollywood.

It’s a minor spoiler. but the titular Green Book is a travel guide the driver is given before they leave New York City. It shows where in the South a black man can find a motel room while the white members of the band can sleep in white’s only hotels.

Overall, a good movie. Pretty emotional and heartfelt. It has things to say but it isn’t aggressive about it. This is just a good, human film about grown ups communicating and working together.

Score: 88