Hole in the Ground, The

Checked out another 99 cent horror rental on iTunes called The Hole in the Ground. This is a movie that seemingly shares DNA with the similarly themed and styled The Babbadook, though it’s not as good as that flick. But if you liked the theme and pacing of Babbadook, you’ll probably like Hole in the Ground.
So Hole in the Ground is an Irish movie about a mother who slowly begins to doubt that her young son is actually her son (she thinks he’s been replaced by a doppelganger). This doubt kind of comes out of nowhere and is one major problem with the flick… the other is the titular Hole in the Ground is actually a many many yards wide sinkhole in the forest behind her house. But it seems to have no point to the movie until the end.
But, hey, the movie is going for a slow burn and, even if I didn’t see the reason for her suspicion, it was still well shot and acted. And when things start to go down near the end of the movie, it’s a pretty great sequence of horror moments. Not always the most cohesive but it’s still a pretty good attempt.
So, yeah, if you want a slow burn suspenseful movie about a young mother and her doubt about her progeny and you’ve already seen The Babbadook, this one’s pretty good. Wish it had been better but the attempt is appreciated.
Score: 74