Honey Boy

Went to see Shia LaBeouf’s new film Honey Boy. This is his semi autobiographical film where he stars as a version of his own dad watching over the child star who is newcomer Noah Jupe who also stars in Ford v Ferrari (out right now). It’s a bit of Hollywood navel gazing since it’s about the kid as a child actor and the dad being paid to be his handler/adult supervision during filming.
The movie is very well acted and Shia is pretty great and ego-free as a problematic dad (former rodeo clown, balding, beligerant, wearing boob comparison tshirt, etc.). The kid is really good too. I can’t argue they aren’t putting the effort into the film… I just kind of wished I cared more about the plight of these two people. But it’s still very well done otherwise. I kind of like how the dad character is emotionally (and sometimes physically) abusive but the film keeps him human. Shia LaBeouf clearly isn’t candy-coating their relationship and yet he’s also not demonizing his old man. There’s love here even if it’s not particularly obvious on screen.
Whether or not anyone needs to see this, I don’t know. It’s a pretty good drama with some sweet and harsh moments in it and I’m sure it was a real catharsis for Shia. I know it’s getting great reviews so less cold-hearted bastards are enjoying the drama more than I did. So I’m probably just wrong and it really is a more interesting film. Which, once again, doesn’t mean it’s not remarkably well acted.
Score: 76