How To Have Sex

I thought about opening with a joke but didn’t have the energy after being disillusioned by this morose, too inward gazing somber drama that. Especially when I’m going against all the high scores. Yeah… I didn’t enjoy my time powering through this movie at all.

It’s about three British girls on spring break, partying hard, drinking harder, and meeting boys. And how maybe one of them has sex and maybe it wasn’t completely conscious or consensual or sober.

Important message. Means a lot. Wish it wasn’t so plodding and dull. It doesn’t help I find the very party town MTV spring break setting to be my worst introvert nightmare. I couldn’t really identify with any of these girls… and it was the job of the film to bring me in. And it didn’t. It would have helped to at least know these girls outside this techno neon nightmare.

I’m sure it lands perfectly with some people but I was just bored. And being bored through someone’s hungover regret is not my idea of good watch. It just didn’t work for me as drama.

Score: 64