Hunt Her, Kill Her

After missing the inexplicable and short theatrical release, I’ve been eyeballing this flick for months now as it refused to drop below its overpriced $9.99 rental. It finally did – $4.99 – so I gave it a whirl.

The flick is about how the producer had access to a factory/warehouse for a week so they threw together a “story” and got filming. That story? A woman alone in said factory/warehouse is hunted by masked killers. There. I’m a Hollywood screenwriter now!

In that this movie is actually pretty decent is the biggest (and only) surprise. It has a pretty cool opening title sequence set to a pretty good beat before dumping us into some grim exposition scenes. The whole “getting to know the characters” bits were pretty by-the-numbers and not very interesting. Plus the flick is ADR’d all to hell, probably because they were filming in that borrowed location. It’s very distracting.

But once all the hand-waving is done and we get masked goons hunting her down, the director manages some pretty good suspense and thrills. A lot of its pretty dumb in that “I hope I don’t drop that knife AGAIN” kind of way… but I guess they gotta fill 90 minutes so nobody has peripheral vision, nobody looks up or down, and knives and blunt force weapons are coated in a thick layer of butter.

But, hey, it gets the job done with better-than-expected sequences, assuming you are watching and not, say, rolling your eyes out of your sockets.

The movie is alright, despite the snark… It’d have to. I usually only deploy this level of snark for really bad movies.

Score: 76