About My Father

About My Father lives at the intersection of Mafia Mamma and The Machine. Take a massive dollop of Italian stereotypes and give the whole movie over to some guy… and sprinkle in a little Robert De Niro to, I dunno, class up the joint? It’s the world’s biggest meh.

The flick stars Sebastian Maniscalco as the son of an Italian immigrant who is trying to grow past his familial stereotypes. He falls in love with his complete opposite and visits her family’s ritzy country club to meet the parents. De Niro as his dad comes along so a whole bunch of father/son bonding can occur.

Aaaaand… damn. I think I’ve run out of original thoughts. This movie is really kind of bad but not super bad. It’s occasionally amusing but mostly the jokes just sit there. De Niro is in his casual comedy mode without breaking a sweat. The Italian and WASP-y stereotypes are strong but neither particularly amusing or offensive.

Eh. I can’t work up enough of a sweat to hate it too much. I can’t find the charity to say its mostly harmless fun either. It’s… inoffensively bad? An indifferent shrug?

Score: 67