I Came By

I Came By is a Netflix film about a guerilla graffiti artist who breaks into the homes of the rich and powerful in order to leave his called card. One night he stumbles on the underground predilections of a former judge and sets about trying to rescue a captive stashed in the basement.

Some very good suspenseful and chilling moments in a film that really could have used better focus. It wanders a bit and has a surprising number of additional characters for an otherwise straight-forward suspense yarn. I respect that a little bit though… not being the generic film it could have been, trying for more characters and plot. It’s just too bad the story and tension don’t hold up through its wavering and weaving plot.

The film also has an ongoing theme of wealth and privilege vs. the working class. It’s a little odd the “guerilla graffiti artist” angle quickly fades away and we’re left with some story about the police investigating a powerful, connected man and yet more story about a mother doing the same. It’s an interesting set of angles that add to the suspense… and to the shaggy nature of the plot.

But, hey, when it sets out to deliver the thrills, it delivers the thrills. This is an imperfect film with the beating heard of a tight yet somehow shaggy thriller. Not a perfect watch, but at least its trying.

Score: 77