In Action

I’m sure the two dudes who made (and starred in) this movie are rightfully proud of their creation. And I’m sure their friends and family have no end of fun watching it. But I’m not sure why anyone else should.

Here’s the thing… yes, this is a complete movie but it shows no real invention as far as low budget film making goes. Yes, it’s a cute joke (once) when they describe the action (tell don’t show) but it’s not like that demonstrates any actual low budget film-making style or skill. It’s a joke and not a particularly funny one. There are plenty of other micro-budget films that succeed and manage to operate as legitimate movies… this is just lark. A goof. A bit of home movie fun.

Credit to them for putting this together and I’m sure they had no end of fun doing so. But how it ended up on iTunes and why I forked over five bucks for it is a mystery. Maybe they’ll take my cash and put together something I’d actually want to watch next time.

And I feel like a jerk for writing this… at least they put together a movie…

Score: 58