Infinite Storm

Watching Infinite Storm, I was thankful of my life choices. There I was, sitting in a recliner with no greater goal that preventing it from flying off into the sky. Eating coconut Keebler cookies that I thought were thin mints when I bought them. And just being happy the only reason I was cold was that the AC was turned too low.

Because watching this movie, you could be happy your worst problem was the wrong cookies. The characters who apparently lived through this real life story and even the actors who had to put up with the conditions certainly had it worse than me.

Infinite Storm is the tale of an experience mountain climber who decides to take a long hike up a tall hill on an important day in her life, despite the weather forecast. She runs into a less experienced climber already suffering from the elements and she has to get him off the mountain before the storm kills them.

I respected this movie, I was slightly involved with the predicament, and I liked its long tail. Too bad I just kept wishing the whole thing was a better, more interesting film. I guess I’m happy it didn’t have much in the way of Hollywood exaggeration… just two people trying to survive a bad storm. No drug dealers chasing them, no aliens, no rattle snake bites.

Naomi Watts… not sure how much she got paid and not sure what inspired her to want to put herself through this filming… but she does a great job. Remind me never to on vacation with her though… what with the deadly storms and tsunamis she keeps experiencing.

Overall, a good enough movie that will probably appeal more to outdoorsy types than to those of keeping our recliners from flying into the sky. Anyone could enjoy it, though it’d have helped a great deal if it was just a little more compelling (without going full Hollywood).

Score: 72