Joy Ride (2023)

Joy Ride is one of those classic misses for me that seems to be hitting for everyone else. The flick is a raunchy comedy full of raunchy jokes where the raunchy punchline is the long and short of it. I’m good with bawdy humor when there’s more to the comedy than show-offy “look at me being naughty” hand-waving.

Joy Ride is about a Chinese-Born American who is visiting China for the first time since she was adopted. Together with three other friends, they make a road trip of the visit, having racy, sometimes very explicit hijinks along the way.

I guess my disconnect with this film seems to be its thinking that “Women say the darndest things” is enough for a belly laugh. It’s not though, at least for me. Plus there’s just unfunny comedy beats that awkwardly end scenes, usually delivered by a startlingly unfunny monotone of a side character.

But, hell, comedy is subjective and what doesn’t work for me and this stick up my butt might work for you. Everyone else seems to be loving the movie so, I dunno, pay more attention them maybe? Wouldn’t be the first time a comedy has missed me and hit everyone else.

The film saves the big friendship drama for the final act where it gets a little too shouty but isn’t totally unwelcome. And then it handles the main character’s personal development arc exceptionally well. And the inevitable emotional finale worked fairly well too. So even though I’m not convinced the movie earns its emotions, I was at least made emotional by them.

This isn’t a comedy that made me laugh very often. I did snort on occasion though and the last minute manipulative emotional stuff worked. I just wish I’d seen the movie everyone else is praising.

Score: 71