Jurassic Hunt

I can defend my rental of this turkey. It was on iTunes and it was released by Lionsgate. I figured it’d be a B movie but it might might have had something extra due to that production/release combo. Oh how was I fooled. This is just a big stupid boring garbage movie that doesn’t even rise to the level of dumb fun.

The flick is about a company that brings wealthy people to a game preserve where they have moved some of the dinosaurs from the “main park” to be hunted. Before too long, the hunters become the hunted!!(!!!)

This is a remarkably low budget movie with CGI dinosaurs that are probably the best the FX team could do with the buck and change they had to work with. But when the best you can say is that the FX are at least better than Birdemic, I don’t think this’ll be on anyone’s resume. It’s Asylum-levels of bad.

And if it actually had more dinosaurs and actually tried to have fun with the idea of a dino hunt gone wrong, that’d have been something. But this flick is more about dumb people standing around talking and arguing. Where’s the fun and/or camp in your cut-rate dumb dinosaur movie?

Only the guy playing the company CEO is sometimes having fun with his corporate evil guy schtick. It’s rare and it only elicited a slight smile every five tries though.

Obviously skip this one. I’m not even sure I need a paragraph concluding this pointless review.

Score: 54