Magician’s Elephant, The

To be honest, I struggled to pay attention to this rather trite but also rather weird animated film. Maybe I wasn’t the target market, maybe it was being lazy, maybe it was just all over the place.

The flick is about a kid who wants to save his sister by saving an elephant by performing three impossible tasks. Something something.

Yeah, I didn’t connect with the movie. I found it rather bland and kind of forgettable. The art is a little off-putting but the animation itself is fine. I wasn’t moved by the plight of either the kid or the elephant. Sure, free the elephant since they are treating her poorly… I can get behind that. But I didn’t connect beyond the simple moralizing.

Yeah, this was occasionally cute and occasionally amusing but largely I felt it dragged and was ultimately kind of generic. Not the worst animated film, but I sometimes struggled with its average length.

Score: 71