Manor, The

The Manor is another Blumhouse/Amazon team-up. These are not always a waving flag of greatness, but they sometimes have something going on. Though one also assumes if that greatness flag was waving atop a flagpole, it’d go theatrical. To torture an analogy.

The Manor stars Barbara Hershey as a 70 year old (pause to contemplate mortality) who has a mild stroke and decides to join a nursing home. She doesn’t like it there due to the control issues the staff has… and, you know, the monster that prowls the place at night. Assuming she’s just not getting old, like all the gaslighters say.

This is an alright horror flick that’s basically saved by Barbara Hershey and an unexpected resolution. It’s not a great movie and I was a little bored at times, but there was a nugget there I kind of enjoyed. And it was nice to be surprised by an unconventional resolution.

If you like the theme of getting older as its own special brand of horror, you might find a fun (or chilling) entry into the flick. It is nice to see older people be the star of the spook show instead of just the guest star or the secondary victim.

I’ve not much else to say. It’s on Amazon Prime, maybe it’s worth checking out. Maybe not.

Score: 72