Me Time

I’m beginning to think, to paraphrase a fantasy show, that when Kevin Hart releases a movie, the gods flip a coin. Gettin’ pretty annoyed at unfunny Kevin Hart comedies. And this is yet another one… and the gods of Hollywood rolled the dice too and this time he’s paired with Mark Wahlberg.

Me Time is his new flick where he plays a domesticated father of two who has left his party days with Wahlberg behind. But when his wife takes the kids for the weekend, he has to figure out what to do with his Me Time… and winds up at Wahlberg’s all-important big 44 birthday bash with all his party-time (and younger) friends.

I laughed (or did something approximating a laugh) maybe a couple of times but found the wild party, leopard fights, gangster confrontations, and other antics to be pretty underwhelming and unfunny. Pretty much the whole flick was this flat, uninspired filmmaking and flat, uninspired comic timing.

I really didn’t enjoy my time with this and am baffled by what happened to Hart’s comedy skills. I’m sure this was scripted but he had to pick the script and make the movie with his own additions… and yet it fails. And not for the first time.

Score: 66