Miracle Club, The

I went blind to the theatre to see this flick… and I came out kinda blind too. I’m not sure what was the central theme or premise of this film even was. Hell, the ticketing app and Letterboxd mislabel it as comedy… it most certainly isn’t that.

The flick is about a group of Irish ladies (and one Irish-American one) who go on a vacation to Lourdes, France for miracles or healing or whatnot.

Hey… good cast, right? Maggie Smith, Laurie Linney, and Kathy Bates (with an Irish accent?!?). Maybe not the highest grossing bunch, but they’re all very good at their jobs so I hoped they’d carry the movie. But they didn’t… because I’m not sure what they were trying to carry.

I just I didn’t get the movie. There are dramatic moments that were pretty decent but they were scattered and didn’t really seem to fit a central theme or plot. Sure, they are on a tripe to Lourdes and it’s a bit of a tourist trap. Some of them have their own emotional or life crises to work through… but I never had a cohesive sense of any of their stories or how they related to one another.

I guess the title might be trying to ride the coattails of The Book Club movies since both flicks are about older women. But, if that’s so, it’s a desperation move since the flick doesn’t feel like those other two movies at all. The ladies did have their own stories but none of them individually or altogether were enough to carry the movie.

Oh well.

Score: 60