Natty Knocks

Natty Knocks reminds me of a Goosebumps/RL Stine YA horror movie except it occasionally drop swear words, kills people, and gives backstory about prostitution. But that’s pretty par for the course for this unfocused and random movie.

The flick is about a local legend named Natty Knocks… nine times and she will appear. Only it’s not really about this supernatural being, it’s about… umm… kind of like… yeah. I guess it’s more like Rear Window? A couple of kids see a woman murdered and the cops don’t believe them. But it’s not about that either.

Yeah, this movie is all over the place to the point I never knew what I was even watching. Was it supernatural horror? Was it about a local killer? Was it about stealing copper wire? Pick a lane, you silly movie.

And it always felt like it was aimed at tweens and young teens only with a mild R rating. It plays young for long stretches and made me wonder who the movie was even made for.

Regardless of all that, the final act sinks the film just when it seems to figure out what it’s supposed to be. It’s dull and lifeless with only one or two slightly chilling moments (the last shot of the movie is a little creepy).

It is, at least, well produced. It’s a good looking film. Not that that helps when the problem isn’t in the acting or cinematography. Oh, and Robert Englund shows up for a few scenes, gets a paycheck, and exits the production quickly. If that’s your thing.

Meh… the movie. Confusing script… the movie. It’s not worth watching.

Score: 63