Nobody’s Fool

Went to see the new romantic comedy Nobody’s Fool, starring Tiffany Haddish…. and a surprise Tyler Perry appears! As it turns out, written and directed by Tyler Perry… I didn’t realize that going in. Not that I wouldn’t see it, but I’d have gone in with more trepidation.
Nobody’s Fool is an overly long, tonally confused, mish-mash of writing. It’s about a young black professional woman who’s fallen in love with a man she’s never met in real life (they met online). And it’s about her sister (played by Haddish) just out of prison, sure she’s being catfished. And it’s about the nice guy who owns a coffee shop who’s in love with her but has a dark past. Then there’s the ad job she’s trying to land, her sassy best friend, and her pot-growing mom played by Whoopi Goldberg.
The whole catfishing story and even the Tiffany Haddish character are irrelevant to the actual story of this movie. The catfishing story is just a hook to add to the trailer… it doesn’t really matter to whether or not the main character and the coffee guy will get together other than there being another guy in her life. Haddish’s overly broad clown character is just comic relief and your enjoyment of the movie will be based on whether you can handle her.
I just got bored with this nearly two hour flick and its weird unfocused plot. There’s so much that could just be cut. Now, all that content that could be cut would be ok if I thought it was funny (since this is a comedy). There are some good jokes peppered about but too much of it is Haddish just showing up and saying something inappropriate to the tone of the rest of the flick.
I’d avoid this one.
Score: 68