One-of-a-Kind Marcie

I’m hardly current on the state of modern Peanuts (or “Snoopy Presents”) specials but I decided to give this Apple TV+ special a shot. It’s forty-five minutes devoted to Marcie who I’m going to assume has never gotten a star vehicle before.

It turns out Marcie isn’t just Peppermint Patty’s lackey… she’s actually a complicated girl who lives to solve problems and help people. But when she somehow gets elected as class president, she has to deal with her crippling social anxiety.

I rather enjoyed this flick. It has a decent mix of the main story and wacky Snoopy/Woodstock antics. Said antics were relatively short and didn’t get in the way of the story and its emotional core. I chuckled a few times, especially at some of the old standards like Lucy’s 5 cent therapy sessions which got a work out with Marcie.

Peanuts has always dealt with anxiety, loneliness, and self-doubt so Marcie’s depiction here fits the mold. It doesn’t seem like a cheap attempt to add meta commentary or modern depth/nuance to a classic character. Peanuts has always been this… though rarely with its side characters.

This is a fun special and it’s was cool to get more depth on Marcie of all characters.

Score: 82