Ordinary Angels

It’s great this movie got released in theaters… it’s the kind of mid-range flick that everyone says is dead. On the other hand, it’s a mid-range flick that’s kind of dead. I only knew about it primarily as a film targeting the religious crowd… who apparently weren’t interested. Which is too bad since its the kind of good-hearted film about helping neighbors that should be right up their alley.

It’s about a single dad without insurance who has a very sick little girl. A local woman hears about their situation and moves heaven and earth to help him… whether he wants it or not.

Hillary Swank plays the Good Samaritan and she plays a lot of her. To a reserved, introverted proud man, she just doesn’t compute. But she gets things done, his little girls love her, and she doesn’t take no for an answer (from him or anyone else). It’s the kind community uplift we should all want to do, assuming its within our skill set.

A significant amount of the script is a little too repetitive… she shows up with her Kentucky bulldozing accent, he grumps about not wanting the help, she helps anyway… wash, rinse, repeat. Swank is very good and gets the Erin Brockovich Award for Bull Dog Citizenship. Maybe she’s a little much but her character does have a certain amount of depth that helps make her more three dimensional.

The final act of the film is a pretty solid bit of drama though it seems a little overkill at points (the number of blockades in our character’s way gets to be a little much). Based on the real news footage in the end credits, they did exaggerate a little… but it works for cinematic drama purposes. Someone with a cold stone might find it cynical, schmaltzy, and saccharine. I did not.

I enjoyed this film and if the two moments where I had tears in my eyes are any indication, regular human beings will probably love it too (if they give it a chance). It’s a good, warm-hearted movie about moving heaven and earth to help people in need. And that ain’t a bad thing.

Score: 86