Out of Darkness

I spent an inordinate amount of time staring at the pants of the Stone Age hunter/gatherers in this film. Their white cloth pants, wondering when they had the time to cut and stitch them so tight. Their stone knives and bearskin coverings more-or-less passed muster, but not those pants. And don’t get me started on how clean-shaven all the men were… and where that white spear was crafted from….

The flick is about a small group of stone age people trying to survive in a new land. They squabble among themselves in between being hunted by a demon or cave bear or whatever they roll for the random encounter. It’s labeled a horror movie so maybe it’s a demonic bear?

I was into the first act of this flick. I saw what it was doing… except for the hair and the pants, they were going for a hard-scramble survival film set during the dawn of man. Where the night is frightening and only their fire (no quest required) beats back the dark.

But as the flick went on and on and the LOUD NOISES got more and more obnoxious, I lost interest. They go for scares through long stretches of people wandering around in the dark and it just didn’t work. Especially with how flimsy the characters were and how indistinct they were in the darkness.

I’m afraid I found none of this hunter gatherer horror scary… and color me not surprised in the least when they finally reveal the thing hunting them. It’s a lame moralizing ending that I “yeah butted” my butt out of the theater, cross with the film pretending its more profound than it was. You know, maybe the real enemy is us? Oh shut up, movie.

I didn’t like this flick at all. The only reason I’m squeezing an extra bit of ranking is simply due to how good it looks. Nice location shooting… maybe next time wrap a better script around it. And get the actors some leather pants sewn together with sinew… and some facial hair.

Score: 63