In the pantheon of Nazi Zombie movies, the new flick Overlord is easily top 5. Of course, I think I’ve only actually seen two other Nazi Zombie movies… but this is easily the best of them. So… Best. Nazi. Zombie. Movie. EVER!!!
Overlord’s premise is simple… it’s D-Day and a group of soldiers have to parachute behind enemy lines to take out a radio transmitter before the beach invasion happens. Their plane is shot down and they have to make their way through occupied France to complete their mission. A mission full of Nazis running nefarious experiments on French civilians just underneath the target.
To be fair, the Nazis scientists aren’t exactly cooking up zombies, per say. Maybe mutants or even demons… but certainly mad science is involved. And most of the victims are dead and re-animated so, sure, zombies. Semantics though… I’m just saying they aren’t traditional zombies… even as far as Nazi Zombies go.
Anyhow, this is a pretty cool film. From the jump, the opening scene of the allied airplane taking fire and the good guys parachuting out among flak and exploding planes is one of the better versions of that scene… a lot of it appearing to take place in one unbroken shot. From there, it’s not as action packed as you might expect… it actually plays out like a pretty serious war movie as the heroes infiltrate the occupied French town.
Fair warning: the film earns its R rating. Make no mistake, whether its people stepping on landmines or being attacked by zombies, this is a hardcore violent film. Be warned… and go if that kind of thing interests you!
This is just a good B level pulp war/horror movie pumped up to A quality in its look, acting, directing, and action. The makeup and visual effects are top notch. The acting is solid and you can yell boo! hiss! at the Nazis (before and after they turn into raving kill monsters… you know… assuming there is a difference at all).
Check it out if you want some good “why wasn’t this released in October?” horror action. Seriously… why release it in November? Well, anyway, good Nazi Zombie action doesn’t come around often, especially treated this seriously and with grade of film making skill. Check it out… if it’s your cup of tea.
Score: 86