Princess Switch, The

Well, I figured to myself, they went and made three of these movies and I haven’t even seen one. I’m late to the party, I guess. Might as well see what all the fuss is about, right? Right?!?!

Eh. Probably wasn’t necessary but I guess it’s something off my bucket list (side note: not actually on my bucket list). This first flick was cute and fuzzy-headed stupid… but I don’t think you sign in for a Netflix Christmas romantic comedy for the well though-out internal psychology and international geopolitical ramifications. This is silly, possibly insipid, romantic comedy junk food. And, for what it is, it’s harmless.

Probably don’t need a synopsis but here goes. Vanessa Hudgens plays both a Chicago baker and a Duchess of some fictional country. They run into each other through random contrivances and (due to further random contrivances) decide to switch with each other. And they immediately fall for the guy in the other one’s life. Around Christmas.

Vanessa Hudgens makes the movie work. She’s charming and cute in that way any Vanessa Hudgens performance is charming and cute. The movie’s fuzzy-headed plot is full of decision making that would even make a squirrel pause and think things through. Really, none of this makes sense but who cares. Is it harmless, charming, and fun enough? Sure. Nobody in this movie came out and kicked my dog.

It’s fine. It does exactly what one of these noodle-brained Christmas movies needs to do. It’s not bad, I wasn’t bored, I was occasionally charmed… and I got some good laughs at the movie’s expense.

Score: 76