Prom Dates

Well, I did it to myself, really. I went to watch this comedy on Hulu but the app decided to forget who I was and I was too damn lazy to log in again. So I pulled up Disney+ which has full Hulu integration (and had the common courtesy to not forget me). So when I started this teen prom comedy, I experienced significant cogitative dissonance when it turned out to be a raunchy teen sex comedy. All the talk of fingering holes and hand jobs short circuited my Disney+ watching brain. Bu I got over it and realized it was a pretty fun flick.

It has a stunningly original plot. Two best friends decide they will definitely go to prom… and then on the night before the prom, they realize they both need dates.

And I laughed a decent enough number of times. It’s certainly not a laugh-a-minute but it got enough chuckles out of me. And then two leads are appealing and funny enough to care a little about too. I’m absolutely not bowled over, but it’s enjoyable enough.

It’s level of raunch isn’t too high, to be honest. I’ve certainly seen worse movies I wouldn’t want to watch with my parents in the same room. This one gets a collar-tugging “err… ummm” if it were on if they were in town.

No notes, really. It’s a decent watch if you enjoy a mildly raunchy comedy. Not a bad way to get a few laughs in the privacy of your own home.

Score: 78