Resort, The

I guess the deluge of half and 1 star reviews wasn’t clue enough for me to stay away from this turkey. But why would I start saving my time and sanity by NOT watching bad films, amiright?

The Resort is about four dummies who go to Hawaii to investigate an abandoned and possibly haunted hotel. It is both. Of course. A travel video and then a generic ghost story ensues.

This is a bad, bad movie but it honestly gets a slight bump in the rating for exploiting its shooting location and having the common courtesy to run a mere 70 minutes. With half that run time being a basic advertisement for Hawaii as the cast of bad actors take a vacation before filming at an actual abandoned resort. So credit due to borrowed glory.

But the rest of the movie is just pretty mediocre on all fronts. The acting is pretty bad and the characters annoying. The sound mixing is weirdly bad at times and the editing has awkward transitions. The story barely exists and is just an excuse to use a location that was about to be torn down. They try to create a new horror villain named the Half-Faced Girl but even that is done poorly with almost no back-story and less character.

I have very little good to say about this movie and probably should rate it lower. Yet it didn’t overstay its welcome and force ninety minutes out of this nothing of a film so I wasn’t overly board. I was just wildly unimpressed by the attempts at scares (including woooOOO sounds like they thought this was The Lighthouse) while being reminded that, hey, Hawaii is a pretty gorgeous place to visit.

Score: 61