Role Play

I think this movie came out last month and was called The Family Plan… aa happily married couple’s routine is disrupted when one of them turns out to be a secret international kille. How many times will this Mr. and Mrs. Smith plot get recycled? It’s like screenwriters either don’t trust their soul mates or take “write what you know” one step too far.

In this case, it starts out as a reasonably sweet romantic comedy. Kaley Cuoco and David Oyelowo are a married couple who worry their spark might be dying. So they decide to leave the kids with a babysitter and do a little role play as strangers meeting at a hotel. Unfortunately, she’s made by another assassin hanging out at the hotel bar.

This flick exists in two halves. It’s first half – the amusing romantic comedy with a curveball – is fairly sweet and amusing. Kaley Cuoco does a great job… she’s born for this kind of thing. I now want to believe her character in Big Bang Theory was also a secret assassin, there to kill one or all three of the dorks living across the hall if they ever invented an atom bomb.

But the second half of the flick is dead. Just a pile of tedious spy-type tropes as it forgt the frothy rom-com and mistook itself for a serious, taut action thriller. Kaley Cuoco does not do a good job (god bless her) – this is not the the role she was born to play. She’s unconvincing as a bad-ass assassin in both her dialog and fizzled action scenes. But it’s not all her fault since the script did this to her… and the director and editor couldn’t make any of it work even when she wasn’t the problem.

Yeah, the second half of this flick is borderline unwatchable and what had been a decent bit of fun crashes nose first into the ground. What a waste of a familiar plot that at least had promise.

Score: 68