Season of the Witch (1972)

An early George Romero film AND a non-zombie Romero film, I was curious to see where he’d go without being bound to the genre he created. To put it mildly, this is one 70s-ass 70s movie. Full of casual 70s occult mysticism, casual/shifting sexual mores, new feminism, old masculinity, and some seriously bad interior design.

It’s the story of a dissatisfied middle aged woman who thinks witchcraft can cure her malaise. Things don’t go as planned… or maybe they go exactly as planned.

It’s a curious film, obviously low budget, and full of discordant, atonal noise that helps generate a chaotic mood. I think it’s most notable for the difference between its original title (Hungry Wives) vs it’s re-release title (Season of the Witch) post Dawn of the Dead. Presumably one was more palatable to marketing than the other. Plus that Donovan song.

Score: 76