Small Engine Repair

I didn’t know much more than “there’s crime involved among friends” when I started watching so I won’t say a lot more than that. I gather the trailers give it all away but I avoided those.

The film is set in Manchester, New Hampshire and features that Boston area accent (and a bunch of actors speaking it). Specifically, three life-long friends in their forties, just going about their lives. One of them has a feisty tough but good natured daughter they all adore. Eventually – and it takes quite a bit of ambling to get there – something goes down that risks all their lives.

Great acting all around. Very convincing accents. I only recognized John Bernthal but they were all great. I especially loved the relationship with the daughter and that actress was particularly likable. She’s played by Ciara Bravo who I’m not very familiar with but IMDB says she’s done more tv work than film. I look forward to seeing her in the future.

I did find the movie a little unfocused but that was all build up for the surprise moment late in the film. I appreciate that, I certainly got to know the characters, but I can’t say I was enthusiastic about it. Quality acting, but not always super interesting.

I did like the turn the film takes and did wonder how they were going to deal with it. I was engaged in that, but maybe not enough to give this an enthusiastic review. It’s good, but I wish it had been better.

Score: 78