Summer ’03

Summer ’03 is a teenage coming of age film like many others… though maybe a little more off-kilter and a little more raunchy than some. Not by a country mile, but certainly it has some naughtiness. None of its amazing but certainly very little of it is bad.

The flick stars Joey King as a teenage girl whose grandmother (played by June Squibb) is on her deathbed. Grannie wants to spill some beans and give life advice. She tells King that she secretly baptized her as a baby… and that she should learn to give a really good blow job. This sends her to church for the first time… where she catches the eye of a hot young priest in training. Could these two pieces of wisdom coincide?

Yeah, it’s an amusing bit of blasphemy and an obvious attempt by a screenwriter to work out some issues. It has one of those dramatic speeches that you know someone has been thinking about wanting to say for half his or her life… and they get to work that out on screen.

Not really a lot to say. The cast is good, Joey King is fine and in better form than a half dozen Kissing Booths. And it’s reasonably funny and amusingly (if a little try-hard) edgy.

Score: 75