Through My Window: Across the Sea

When this flick popped up on Netflix, the description did not compute. It read like the sequel to some Roman mythology romance that I’d never heard of. I skipped over it multiple times… until a memory bell chimed. Oh yeah, this must be the sequel to that Spanish romance between the arrogant bad buy and the good girl that I kind of liked.

So the sequel is a Spanish romance between the now boring guy and the good girl that I kind of hated. The two lovers are attending separate colleges and the long distance thing isn’t working. So they go on an extended (and I mean EXTENDED… dear god will it ever end!?) vacation with their vacuous friends.

I… I… umm… ugh… this movie went in one ear and out the other. It was a non-movie about a bunch of ninnies on vacation having insipid dramas and random hook-ups. Then a dramatic “we gotta end this movie somehow” finale plus screenwriter self-insert victory coda.

Yeah… I… umm… hell. What is there to say? I hated it and I’m done writing about it. Do I have to proof this now? Aw jeesh.

Score: 58