White Men Can’t Jump (2023)

I don’t remember much from the original White Men Can’t Jump. I remember it being a pretty decent flick held up by the charisma of Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson… something I wouldn’t accuse this sequel of having. It’s a rather charmless, low energy production where I couldn’t help but think the white lead was this goofy Lil Dicky looking dude (it was quite distracting).

The flick stars these two guys as local LA ballers trying to hit it big. They become friends of a sort. They play basketball. They have life and love issues. And stuff.

I don’t know what this movie is about. Yeah, it’s a setting and an overall aesthetic, but I just couldn’t find the meat of the flick. Maybe it’s because I’m a white guy and I can’t jump… nor can I shoot or lace a pair of Nikes the right way. I may not even be sure about the rules of the game… And maybe I’m just using the “not the target market” argument…

This somehow overly long ninety minute flick has some decent acting moments here and there but the overall flick was flat. The end basketball tournament has no flair, pacing, or suspense. In fact, I was surprised when it ended since it didn’t feel like the climactic moment of the game. As a sports film, it fails at the very basics of the drama of competition, the thrill of victory, or the agony of defeat (what a wide world).

Lil Dicky Clone and the Other Guy are probably better than this movie. A lot of things are. There are a scattering of decent moments and I’m sure it might appeal more to fans of the game, but for me, it was a trudge.

Score: 64