Woman King, The

The Woman King is a very well produced film in two halves with maybe a little extra shaggy character drama added in. I don’t think the multiple personalities of the film gel super well, unfortunately. I was very engaged in half the film, less so the other. But regardless, I think we can agree that any movie that has people kick the shit out of slavers is a net positive.

The film is set in the early 1800s and follows an African nation that employs woman as royal guards and warriors. Half of the film follows an a new recruit during her training, the other with the threat from a larger nation and the battle that follows. Plus they kick the shit out of some slavers.

I was actually quite a bit more invested in the training side of this film. It follows our audience POV character as she enters this new world and strives to be the best she can be. I liked Thuso Mbedu as the trainee and seeing Viola Davis be this powerful hulk of a general was startling. It’s not necessarily the best version of this kind of story that I’ve seen or read, but at least it was showing me something different.

The second half involving the war against the neighboring nation was far less interesting. We get some decent battle sequences but it’s not nearly as engaging as they were trying to make it. I think the scenario was just painted with too broad a stroke to make it easy to really engage with.

The film also takes its time to try to build the characters up, including an unnecessary and unconvincing romance AND a more compelling familial story. The family story has some meat on it but the romance is weak and kind of pointless. But I did like the guy’s backstory… it’d make an interesting movie in its own right.

Basically I just found this film uneven… But it’s a pretty good flick that’s well produced, looks great, and has a great cast. If it all doesn’t click, that’s unfortunate… but forgivable for showing me a story I’ve never seen. And kicking the shit out of some slavers.

Score: 84