Family Camp
I did not laugh – at all – at this movie… there might have been two spots where I could have mildly amused (charitably), but it didn’t touch my face – not even the touch of a smile or smirk … Continue reading
I did not laugh – at all – at this movie… there might have been two spots where I could have mildly amused (charitably), but it didn’t touch my face – not even the touch of a smile or smirk … Continue reading
Monstrous is a curious film. It’s one of those horror movies that seems to be a horror movie by financial obligation. It feels like it really wants to be a personal drama, a character study, that they felt had to … Continue reading
As the literal (literal!) 811th Cinderella adaptation (and Disney’s 85th), Sneakerella makes a valiant effort at being relevant. It isn’t always successful due mainly to familiarity and a grueling run-time, but its cast is appealing and its colorful musical numbers … Continue reading
Senior Year has a fun first half that fails to build on in the pedestrian and routine second half. It’s got a fun idea for a fish-out-of-water, blast-from-the-past storyline that ultimately is just used for Rebel Wilson’s usual brand of … Continue reading
In my recent re-watch review of the original 1984 Firestarter, I said it was an hour and forty minute buildup to the arson-heavy, fireball-spewing finale. Something I doubted the new film would handle as well due to the likely use … Continue reading
I hadn’t seen a trailer for this and I went in with some discordant ideas. I knew it was a faith-based film that stars Mark Wahlberg. And this does not compute. It co-star Mel Gibson which does compute a bit … Continue reading
When I started watching this, I realized I hadn’t thought about Marmaduke (the IP) in decades. But then it occurred to me a little later that I was wrong… that Marmaduke came up in an episode of Rick and Morty … Continue reading
Petite Maman is an understated, quiet, introspective French film that really wants me to rate it four stars. And there’s a lot of argument why I should… but I came away thinking it was pleasant but not amazing. Well acted, … Continue reading
Escape the Field is a mash-up film… an amalgamation of ideas that circulate around a low budget, low effort location. It’s Cube if the cube was a corn field. It’s Escape Room if the room was a corn field. It’s … Continue reading
Along for the Ride is a pleasant, reasonably mature and thoughtful teen romance. It’s not an amazing flick but it’s nice that a Netflix original adapted from a YA novel isn’t silly, cringe, or dumb. Or, more to the point, … Continue reading