Book of Love
This is a pretty simple romantic comedy that I – as a human grump factory – found really sweet and endearing. I may get kicked out of the club for this one, but I chuckled and I awwed at the … Continue reading
This is a pretty simple romantic comedy that I – as a human grump factory – found really sweet and endearing. I may get kicked out of the club for this one, but I chuckled and I awwed at the … Continue reading
What I was most impressed with by A Hero is that the hero in question didn’t stop a robbery, prevent a terrorist bombing, or save the president. He just decided to return a handbag full of money. But that’s enough… … Continue reading
That popping sound you hear is the collective brains of scientists and NASA officials exploding at once. This is a remarkably dumb movie – ridiculous and stupid on a monumental level. Not to be taken seriously, not to be taken … Continue reading
The Long Night is about a mostly unlikable married couple who show up at a southern country home. And wouldn’t you know it – next thing you know they are “surrounded” by a handful of skull-mask wearin’ cultists up to … Continue reading
Another documentary about unexpected PBS celebrities… you got your Bob Ross docs, your Mr. Rogers docs, your Sesame Street docs, and now a Julia Child doc. Who’s next? Dr. Ruth? I’m blushing already. This Julia Child doc is interesting but … Continue reading
Not much into these true crime documentary series and movies that are all the rage. But I gave this one a shot because it’s just a single film and not spread out across six episodes… and because it’s not about … Continue reading
Now, I’m not the biggest fan of the Ice Age series. I enjoyed the first one, find the rest pretty mediocre. But wow… they look amazing compared to this dreck from the fine folks running Disney+. Sure, giveth us the … Continue reading
A requin is another name for a whiteshark or a Carcharhinidae. There. I’ve learned you something and you can walk away safe in the knowledge you don’t have to watch this garbage. The film unfortunately stars Alicia Silverstone as the … Continue reading
For unknown reasons, this documentary showed up at my local theater. For lesser known reasons, I went to see it. Stay home… if curious, watch a YouTube video about the subject or wait for streaming rental. The flick is the … Continue reading
In the Forest is a bizarrely no budget film with weird edits, terrible dialog, and actors who might be decent if they weren’t saddled with such terrible dialog. I also am not sure what genre it falls into. It has … Continue reading