It’s hard to like a movie when it pulls a complete genre rope-a-dope on you. When it has to lie to tell its story, regardless of how important that story is. But I’m sure they used this horror movie Trojan … Continue reading
It’s hard to like a movie when it pulls a complete genre rope-a-dope on you. When it has to lie to tell its story, regardless of how important that story is. But I’m sure they used this horror movie Trojan … Continue reading
I was surprised – given it’s reputation so far – how much I enjoyed Bingo Hell. In fact, I thought the comedic tone with serious social issues in the first half was very good. But when it gets down to … Continue reading
I had this on my mental “to watch” list for awhile but finally decided to give it a whirl for the season. Didn’t realize it was an anthology film… and was pleasantly surprised that more of the segments worked than … Continue reading
In a couple respects, Book of Monsters is admirable and that makes me wish I liked it. But it was too sluggishly paced to save itself, no matter how much it tried to be cool. The flick is about a … Continue reading
Woof… this was a tough sit for this kid. I really, really, really (did I mention really?) disliked this movie. And that shouldn’t be a surprise… I hated the first one in the series so not sure what snapped in … Continue reading
The Manor is another Blumhouse/Amazon team-up. These are not always a waving flag of greatness, but they sometimes have something going on. Though one also assumes if that greatness flag was waving atop a flagpole, it’d go theatrical. To torture … Continue reading
There’s a palpable negative mood oozing out of every poor of every frame of this film. Seemingly innocuous conversations are accompanied by a spine-shiver of a musical score to the point that it could make placing a toaster strudel in … Continue reading
There’s a certain tension that does manage to creep its way through this film… and that’s about the best I can say for it. It’s generally a kind of slow, rather confusing film that I’m not convinced has any deeper … Continue reading
Well, I thought Titane was my daily dose of 2021 weirdness but I guess I have to contend with Lamb now. This is its own special case of WTFery. Helps I went in without the trailer which apparently spoils the … Continue reading
Let’s skip to the chase here… I think No Time to Die is the best Daniel Craig Bond movie. And this will be controversial but I also think it’s the best 007 movie. Full stop. I know, I know. That’s … Continue reading