Red Rocket

Well, here’s a slice of unwanted life. A movie starring a washed-up bullshitting loser ex-porn star who goes back to Texas and has trouble finding a 9 to 5 because, you know, 17 years as a porn star “over” qualifies him for a job at Dollar General. So what’s a dedicated, self-deluded hustler do? Well, amble about a dead-end town formulating some random money-making schemes while hangomg out with the guy his girlfriend used to babysit. You know, keeping his eyes on the prize. Being a real go-getter.

Oh, and romancing and seducing a seventeen year old girl into being his next porn star. Because that’s what heroes do. <eyes roll>

What a movie this is. Our main character is a real (charismatic) dirtbag but he’s such a bullshitter that he’s either fooling himself or he truly believes his own schemes. And it’s a treat trying to figure out if the other people in his orbit – all the folks he left behind to make it big in “Hollywood” – take him seriously or not. Do they see through it or are they humoring him?

I was surprised at how engaged I was with this movie that really rarely ever actually goes anywhere. Just a slice of a really dejected life… one that is creepily grooming a seventeen year old. And that 17 year old – played by Suzanna Son – is such a breath of fresh, blunt, and open air. Between her and star Simon Rex, we have a really powerful acting duo.

Pretty sure this flick isn’t for everyone with its slow pace, blunt pornographic dialog, and non-standard ending… but if you want something uniquely different, this is a pretty fascinating watch.

Score: 87